Stay tuned for 2025 events
From RESOLVE's website
National Infertility Awareness Week®, (NIAW) is a movement, founded in 1989 by RESOLVE. All too often myths and misinformation appear in media stories or influence lawmakers and companies to enforce policies that create barriers for people who need help building their family. And still people feel isolated when they struggle to build a family, so we want to empower them to share their story and find a community that cares.
In 2010, National Infertility Awareness Week® became a federally recognized health observance by the Department of Health and Human Services.
As a result, we have been hosting events either just for the Pineapple Connections community, or the community as a whole to promote connections, education and empowerment through various programming opportunities with various guests included.
Below is our 2024 schedule from April 21-28th which leads up to the Walk of Hope Baltimore event on Sunday, May 5th. While this event IS a fundraiser, it's an event to bring the infertility community together, first. Now, more than ever, having unity, solidarity amongst the community is so important as we strive to access federal protection for family building options, including IVF. We will be representing various journeys of family building dreams for Federal Advocacy Day sponsored by RESOLVE and ASRM (American Society for Reproductive Medicine). You can sign up until April 30th.